Welcome to FCAS, Inc.

These children and those who give them love and support need your help.
We are a 501(c)(3) ALL VOLUNTEER charitable organization that has been helping those in need in our area for over 35 years. Contributions are tax deductible and everything (100%) goes to help the children! It is through the generous support of individuals and organizations in our community that we are able to continue our efforts on the behalf of neglected and abused children. Please step up and make a difference.
Every year, through no fault of their own, more and more children are abused or neglected. It has become an enormous problem. We can choose to turn our backs on the problem and pretend it doesn’t exist or we can face it head on by trying to improve conditions for these often forgotten children who range from newborns to teenagers. It is hard to imagine the hurt they have endured. Many will continue to live troubled lived long after they have reached adulthood. But some will become success stories. They will lead productive and fulfilled lives, but only if they have the support they need. Like all children, they need emotional support when they fail and someone to cheer when they succeed.
It is essential that they are with people who care, show them love, and encourage them in their efforts. These people are the care givers, the foster parents, the grandparents who raise their grandchildren, and the aunts and uncles who step up and make a difference.
These children and those who give them love and support need your help. If you or your organization would like to make a donation or an in-kind contribution, please contact us.
Thank you.
Charles Johnson, President Emeritus
Foster Care Advisory Services
Your tax deductible donation may be made payable to: Foster Care Advisory Services, Inc.
Mailing address:
Foster Care Advisory Services, Inc.
c/o Rena Gezzar, Treasurer
1820 Whitecap Circle
North Fort Myers, FL 33903